A blog where some insane weirdo posts his OSR/DIY D&D ideas, content, recollections, and stuff. He might post other things not related to that, like music, art, literature, or memes. Probably not that much, though. There will also be content from the my boyfriend(s), namely the under construction Polyheus setting.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Santicorn 2019: Fairytale Classes
Pseudo Fenton from the Discord (he has no blog, sorry!) requested a smattering of Scandinavian/Nordic fairy tale-themed classes, which I ran away with! I ended up drifting a bit into some Tchaikovsky, but... eh. It happens. Hope you enjoy! There's enough class concepts here to replace an entire D&D party!
Inchling (Thumbelina/Tom Thumb)
This class uses the Saves, To-Hit, and XP progression of a Rogue, but has a d2 Hit Die.
You are the smallest thing. The size of a thumb, if that. Perhaps not even the size of a bean. You could actually perhaps dance on the head of a pin, which will be ironic later. Because of your small size, you are almost impossible to detect if you're trying to go unnoticed; you have the maximum possible ranks in the Hiding skill for your system, but otherwise suffer all the drawbacks of being so small, with one exception: You... don't suffer fall damage. That's... weird. Perhaps you just safely Feather Fall safely, or your fall is always broken by something cushy. It's very conspicuous, because even in a world that doesn't understand modern Newtonian physics the little thing should still go splat when it falls from up high. But you don't.
Additionally, you can speak to all little things as if they were people. Insects, frogs, birds, and the like all share a language with you, and are inclined to treat you kindly at first blush.
Finally, you have one mundane, non-combat skill that's pushed to supernatural degrees. Perhaps your singing voice can entrance anyone who hears it on a failed save, or perhaps you can spin a piece of straw into solid gold if you spend all night doing so. Decide this with your GM.
At Name Level, you grow a pair of fairy wings, explaining all the mysteries of your existence. If fairies are entitled to any other traits or abilities in your system, you gain them.
Ice Queen (The original story, but also Frozen, lol)
This class uses the saves, To-hit, Hit Dice, and XP progression of a Magic-User.
For some reason or another, you have powerful elemental control over Ice magic.* It's to such an extent that it's a part of you, ignoring environmental effects related to ice, and taking 1 less damage from every die related to it. The cold never bothered you anyway, you might say.
An Ice Queen has a pool of Magic Dice (d6s) equal to their level. Due to the intimate, personally expressive nature of their magic, Charisma is used for any stat-related purposes and they have no spell list, and instead describe effects ala carte, investing as many dice as is proportional to the effect. Simple cantrips like producing snowflakes or little flurries are free, producing an entire block of ice might be a single die, and producing an entire palace made of ice might take nine or ten dice. The dice are rolled when the effect is produced, either determining the damage of the ice attack, or else determining the efficacy or stability of the effect. Dice that roll a six are removed from the pool, and when the Magic Dice pool is exhausted, a Wild Surge occurs. Dice can be recovered by rest (full recovery), or a single die by exposure to your element you didn't produce, such as gorging yourself on snow or bathing in frigid water for an hour.
These effects can be positive or negative, but are mostly negative. Perhaps you produced a snowlem personifying your best qualities, with HD equal to the MD invested in him. Perhaps you accidentally struck someone you cared about them and cursed them to slowly turn into ice. Perhaps you caused an eternal winter, or you turn all the food at the party into delicious ice cream. Perhaps you create a giant mirror of ice that reflects the light of heaven back up toward the sky and only reflects the ugliness of the mortal world which then shatters and lands its shards in the eyes of men so that they only see the bitter, rancid, sinful truth to everything.
You know, whatever.
At Name level, some event occurs that allows you to gain better control of your powers. You discover the Power of Love, or you beat up the Devil who gave them to you, or you realize you're actually the Avatar, the Last Icebender. Either way. your powers adjust; all effects cost one less Magic Die than normal, and when you Wild Surge, you receive a partial veto power, allowing you to reject and replace any detail of the Surge the GM describes with one of your own.
* This class can be adjusted to be about any other elemental or conceptual force. Play a Summer Queen, or a Noise Prince, or a Flower Knight, or a Rubbermancer. Go wild.
Nutcracker Prince (The Nutcracker)
This class uses the Saves, To-Hit, Hit Dice, and XP Progression of the Fighter.
You are a nutcracker, or perhaps a tin soldier, or a puppet boy. In any case, you are a living toy, with all that entails. You need neither food, water, air, nor sleep. You have the power to change to human size, but when in your smaller form, you can choose to remain perfectly still and be totally indistinguishable from a normal object. If someone doesn't know you personally or see you move, they'll never even suspect you're anything but what you appear to be; this even trumps divination magic.
In your fully-sized form, your wooden or metal nature gives you the AC of being appropriately armored, and you have all the fighting capabilities of a Fighter of your level, though you roll Disadvantage on Dexterity and Initiative checks due to your stiff body.
Finally, you have two magical abilities that foreshadow your true nature. Firstly, you can dance in the dreams of others. When people slumber in your presence, you can meld truth into their nightly fiction, and manipulate their dreamscape. You can defend them against nightly intruders, plunder their minds for secrets, or retrieve imaginary treasures from the dungeons of their unconscious. Secondly, you have the power to remove curses by absorbing them into yourself, by performing some appropriate ritual, such as cracking a nut in your mouth and hopping backwards seven steps. If you do this, the curse is lifted from the victim and it now applies to you. This is your true nature.
You weren't always a toy. It was a curse you accepted, and it was your first curse, swallowed too deeply. The only way to remove it is something you can't accept or accomplish; perhaps you need to forgive the person who hurt you so deeply it broke your name and your heart. Perhaps you need the reincarnation of one who spurned you to promise to love you unconditionally. Perhaps you need to crack the world's shell in half.
In any case, at Name Level, you learn of how you can finally accomplish this task, and are capable of actually performing it. Once you do so, your curse is lifted, and you return to your former splendid form. Not only do you become a handsome immortal prince of dreams (or whatever you were), but every curse you absorbed inverts into a blessing, and you now possess the power to grant others a dream come true, pulling a single fantasy of theirs into permanent reality.
Polymorphic Princess (Swan Lake)
This class uses the to-hit, Hit Dice, and XP Progression of a Cleric, but the best saves possible in your game.
You are an unjustly cursed innocent, with a curse so deep it pervades not just your body and soul, but your very story. Your love, your innocence, your purity, your beauty and virtue are all heavier and truer than the world, but this curse uses that weight against you, and shackles you down.
This curse damns you to a form you don't belong in. Perhaps you turn into a swan during the daylight, or an orc during the night, or perhaps you turn into a frog around anyone who would ever know your name. Regardless of the condition, it always forces you back into your unnatural shape whenever it would most hurt you; you can never be yourself around the one you love. You can never return home. Whatever the nature of it, you can't receive the happiness you deserve.
That being said, there's some condition that lets you trigger the transformation deliberately. You turn into a swan whenever you touch water, and change back whenever you are under a tree's shade. You turn into an orc whenever you bleed, and back whenever you taste fruit. You turn into a frog whenever you smell flowers, and back whenever you look in a mirror. You gain all the abilities of your cursed form when you're in it, and can speak with your cursed form's kind in either form. Additionally, you are in many ways a Princess, and your purity did not abandon you.
You may Lay on Hands as a Paladin of your level, and you are extraordinarily lucky, rolling your already amazing saving throws with Advantage unless it is against magic related to your curse, in which case you roll with Disadvantage. However, you are otherwise totally immune to any other curses or hexes; it was a total fluke that the first ever took, and there's no room for a second. You also have a number of Luck Points equal to half your level (rounded down, minimum 1), you can use to reroll any die. These points refresh every session.
At Name level, you meet whichever condition is required to break your curse, and it becomes a boon. You have full control over your transformation; it never works against you, and you do not require any trigger but will or intent. You are now truly immune to all curses for all time, and may cast Remove Curse by kissing a target. Once ever, should you die, you can return to life by the magic of True Love's Kiss, or the tears of everyone around you. Your story's curse was lifted, and you are entitled to your Happily Ever After with the full force of an apologetic, remorseful Fate.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Rhyme Schemer [Royal Verse]
The second post in my crossover with TLN's Royal Verse. We now delve into the other half of the universe. While the Kings rule Systems, Processes, and Chemistry, the Poets are those who govern Stories, Plots, and Contrivances. They are not the Gods who are Motley Fools; their place in the universe is clear, rational, and necessary, even if the Kings are infuriated by them. The Kings are fragments of the Father-King, pieces of something lost. But the Poets are a new possibility; half-dreamed echoes of a future not yet come to pass. They're what the Daughter-Princess (whom is currently the Mourning Girl, Story-Lover, the Goddess of Games and Gears) once imagined for her and her Father's work. The completed Cosmos given voice and face in discordant democratic.
The Poets do not wear Crowns. While the Rulers of Physics need a physical representation, the Speakers of Rhyme simply have beautiful souls. To claim the mantle of a Poet, one must best their story. Poets, after all, are Tropes.
A King might be anything you can name, but a Poet is anything you can feel. A King can be War, as a process; a Poet is War, as a narrative structure. A King can never be Love, a Poet can never be Uranium.
Such it is that a Rhyme Schemer progressively starts to embody their mantle more and more. If you aim to become Flashbacks, you're not merely striving to become memory or recollection, but the entire narrative concept of replaying the past in the present point of view, even if it produces new details. You are becoming not the phenomena within the story's world, but the picture on the veil of the screen.
So, the Rhyme Schemer class. First of all, your system doesn't really matter. Even more so than usual for my works. For now, structure this as a Cleric-equivalent, minus the spells.
At first level, you lose your Base To-Hit and your Experience Progression. You use milestone/narrative leveling, progressing in this class whenever the table agrees you made a significant stride towards embodying the Poetry you wish to become. You also will not need Base To-hit, as Poets are lovers, not fighters. By which I mean, while Kings are born of the violent tragedy of the Father-King's death, the Poets are answers to the Daughter-Princess's grief. While you are not saint, and you might indirectly cause as much destruction as you wish, you are incapable of attempting to create harm. The Poet of War is not a warrior, but a general; his power is in instigating wars from behind the scenes, not winning them. If a Rhyme-Schemer wishes to accomplish things, it is not by the sword, but the pen. Exploration, the Social game, trickery and cleverness, narration and ingenuity. If for some reason an attack roll is absolutely 100% necessary, explain your theatrical reasoning, and gain a +1 to the roll for everything the Theatregoers accept.
At the same time, you are now gain a pool of Plot Points equal to your level, which replenishes per Scene/Session. These points can be used to reroll any die roll you wish, and take the better result. You may continue to reroll a die as many times as desired, so long as you have the Plot Points to spend.
At second level, you lose your Armor Class. The world has acknowledged that you have stepped off the scene of Duels save for the allegorical, and so you are no longer bound to such a thing. Though you can still be harmed, anything that targets Armor Class will be treated as a miss, save for a natural 20, which will harm you in a dramatically appropriate way.
In exchange, you are now metafictionally aware to a small degree. While you do not yet totally buck the 4th wall, you have a greater understanding of Story. You can always detect when something is important or relevant to the current story structure. No villain can ever disguise themselves as a simple, nameless bar patron. No princess can pretend to be a mere scullery maid. No artifact will be overlooked as a rusted piece of junk.
At third level, you lose your Inventory, and are now able to claim you have anything on your person that makes narrative sense and wouldn't be thematically disruptive. Anything you attempt to pull out of your pockets must be approved by all the Theatregoers who judge your Story (the GM and the other players), nor can you pull anything that would contradict the internal logic of the world or the themes of your own personal Story Trope. The aspiring Poet of Futility probably isn't going to have the miracle cure to AIDS in his bag.
At fourth level, you lose your Race, your Body. You may now take any and every form, as long as you never do so "on-screen", you do not become a specific named individual, and your form is not narratively disruptive. No turning into a Tarrasque unless everyone agrees it's appropriately awesome/fitting.
At fifth level, you lose your History. Your backstory now exists in flux, and is whatever you need at the time. By spending Plot Points, you can retroactively create relationships with NPCs, create home towns wholecloth out of the ether, give yourself skills and expertises that just never came up before because nobody asked, and so forth. Again, this is subject to the limitations of the Theatregoers' tolerance, the Common Sense of the world, and your own Narrative Restraints.
At sixth level, you lose your Saving Throws. No longer is your survival to adversity determined by mere chance, but by your narration. Explain how you would and should be safe from whatever prompted the Save to the satisfaction of the Theatregoers, and if there's any doubt, simply add each accepted reason as a +1 bonus to the saving throw.
Additionally, your meta-awareness increases. You can always sense examples of your personal Trope or Narrative Device, and can treat it as part of your body/identity for the sake of perception and spatial awareness, as far as the Theatregoers are willing to allow before calling shenanigans.
At seventh level, you lose your Name. You are now known only by your titles, monikers, epithets, and containers. Anything based on your name (True Name-based magic, anything contingent on your having a legally recognized identity) is now null and void. However, you can continue spending Plot Points to affix background details retroactively to these titles, and can now manage multiple, even mutually exclusive backstories as being paradoxically true.
Additionally, you may now use Plot Points to change and determine facts of the world that have nothing to do with you. Invent lakes on the map, put significant artifacts at the bottom of dungeons, reveal that your party's Cleric is actually his religion's Messiah of this prophecy you just 'learned' just now! Though, of course... the same Theatregoing restrictions apply.
At 8th level, you lose your Ability Scores. Your capabilities are now entirely at the whim of the Theatregoers, and your ability to justify the narration, same with your Saving Throws and everything else to this point. If a numerical bonus is absolutely required, it is however many Plot Points you spend.
At the same time, you learn the Truth about Gods. They are not merely fools; they are what happens when someone is both a Poet and a King. The Madness between Math and Musing. The Psychosis between Physics and Prose. Just as a King could collect multiple Crowns, and you could collect multiple Stories, perhaps you could collect plenty of both, and become Transcendent...
While it is always true that a Story is owned by who tells it best, and a Poet must always accept a challenge to his Lyre or their is no Story, you can now bandy this against Kings. Killing them is too gauche; find the King you crave, and polish your brow to shine brighter than his Crown. Prove to the Theatregoers you deserve it, and now Law or Rule will deny it to you.
At 9th level, you lose your Hit Dice and HP. You are now incapable of being harmed, or dying, unless it would be dramatically satisfying. Even if you were to die, you can return as long as the plot has need of you, would benefit from you. Name your Quest. Claim your Goal. State your Objective. What ties you, still, to 'you'? What tethers you to this World? Why do you still walk the Stage and say your Script? Until you accomplish it, you cannot be shunted from this universe. You will never exit the Spotlight. And then, goal accomplished, you can level!
Also, finally, you are fully aware of the 4th wall, and your place in it. You cannot speak of this, lest the Theatregoers turn sour, but you know. But... are you merely a puppetshow for some 20 and 30 somethings around their table of dice and Doritos? Who then, is that girl with hair of fire, her dress of ink, her eyes a kaleidoscope...?
Please excuse that. Blogger's having some sort of HTML issue. As I was saying, if you reach 10th level, you'll fully embody your Trope and shed all of yourself. Your power will be complete, triumphing over even the Master of Games. You'll leave the 'game' behind, and be--
You won't be anything! You'll disappear and just be a Rule! That's not what I'm asking of you! If I had treated Him as more than just... I don't need you to just make me things, or tell me things. If I didn't dream so much, he'd still be-
Collect every Crown and collect every Story and YOU could be the God of the Game! Subliminate yourself and be the one who dictates causality and logic, contrivance and lyric!
That's just Death! You'll just switch seats and you won't be you and he won't be him he's trying to escape! I don't want that! My father--!
This is what every Player wants! Bigger numbers, bigger power, overcoming every challenge and conquering the system and rising above it! To be a LEGEND moreso than a man!
I asked too much of Him. I know better now. I should have never dreamed! None of this... Even if you add all of it back together, every piece and every Crown, none of it is Him! I don't want ANY of IT! But at least don't... don't mock what he died for. What he made for me! Please!
Be QUIET, I'm trying to post some damn Homebrew so we can all play a better game! Shut up and
That's Enough. That's enough, now.
...They're gone. It's okay. I'm sorry for that. You must be terribly confused. Maybe even scared or, upset. Do you understand that girl, and why she's hurting? I hope that you don't. I truly, truly hope that you don't.
But maybe you do. And if you do, maybe you can help her. The world she wanted... it was worth the effort. It was what her Father wanted to give her more than anything in the world. So much that he even died for it. and... I'm not sure there's a way to fill the gap, even when it's finished. That's why she stopped Dreaming, and now just Watches.
But that's no good. Because if this work isn't finished, then his sacrifice is meaningless. Her grief will make her forget why he loved her. That's horrible, isn't it? Don't you want to change that?
There's a way. If you're a Poet, find your Crown. If you're a King, find your Lyre! In this world, everything has both a Reason and a Rhyme. There's no Story totally divorced from its inspiring context. And everything rational is inspiring of beauty! The Gods who go insane from mixing and matching are a discordant symphony, but if they match the parts...
Yes. When you match Math and Muse, that's Music, right? She doesn't remember. She doesn't remember because it was so long ago, before they crafted a single thing, and only imagined.
Listen... can you hear it? Probably not yet, you think. But you should! It's in every system, and every story, this Song. This Music of the Spheres they drafted this entire world upon! The world doesn't match the work yet, or you might be able to hear... and it's too complicated for anyone to sing by themselves, except Him and Her...
But this world. it's supposed to be her Dream. It's supposed to be their Song. It's his Love for her. The piece of the Song I sing is that word, that single, single word. So I know, better than anyone, perhaps. If every Crown found every Lyre, and if every Lyre found every Crown, pair and pair, hand in hand...
If we all sing our parts...
I think that girl will stop crying.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Rubiks Cube Stat Generation
Alright so look I didn't test this for probability and I don't care how fair this and honestly if you're worried about cheaters tell them to go to hell. This is definitely funnest with a real Rubiks Cube. But if you absolutely want something fair, use this: https://ruwix.com/puzzle-scramble-generator/
So, let's get into it. Generating stats with a damn Rubiks Cube. You want an ENTIRELY scrambled up cube. The point is NOT to solve it. Mess it up as randomly as possible. Do it blindfolded with a duck up your ass if you gotta, I don't know and I don't judge.
Now, each color is being assigned a D&D stat. Red STR, Green DEX, Orange CON, Blue INT, Yellow WIS, and White CHA.
The central square of each facet of the cube determines what ability score that facet is determining. For example, if the central square is Red, we're calculating STR using this facet.
The central square gives +7 to the stat right away.
Any square that matches the color of the central square is +2 points.
There are three types of Fancy Shapes; a + Shape and an X shape. These give +4 points in addition to the bonus given by the likewise-colored squares. There is also making a four-square "Square" shape. This gives +3 points.
There are three Simple Shapes. A three-square "L" shape (+1 point), a 3-square "Line", and a 3-square "Diagonal" (these are both +2 points).
Any Fancy Shapes composed of a single non-matching color (Four-corners or Four-edges) are -4 Points.
A mismatching "L" is -2 Points, and a mismatching "Line" is -3.
All scores round up to 3 or down to 18, if they are in excess of these values.
Finally, before finalizing anything, a player is allowed a single twist of the cube.
I tested this out for like an hour and it seems to give values equivalent to 3d6 in order. So fucking go hog wild, yo.
So, let's get into it. Generating stats with a damn Rubiks Cube. You want an ENTIRELY scrambled up cube. The point is NOT to solve it. Mess it up as randomly as possible. Do it blindfolded with a duck up your ass if you gotta, I don't know and I don't judge.
Now, each color is being assigned a D&D stat. Red STR, Green DEX, Orange CON, Blue INT, Yellow WIS, and White CHA.
The central square of each facet of the cube determines what ability score that facet is determining. For example, if the central square is Red, we're calculating STR using this facet.
The central square gives +7 to the stat right away.
Any square that matches the color of the central square is +2 points.
There are three types of Fancy Shapes; a + Shape and an X shape. These give +4 points in addition to the bonus given by the likewise-colored squares. There is also making a four-square "Square" shape. This gives +3 points.
There are three Simple Shapes. A three-square "L" shape (+1 point), a 3-square "Line", and a 3-square "Diagonal" (these are both +2 points).
Any Fancy Shapes composed of a single non-matching color (Four-corners or Four-edges) are -4 Points.
A mismatching "L" is -2 Points, and a mismatching "Line" is -3.
All scores round up to 3 or down to 18, if they are in excess of these values.
Finally, before finalizing anything, a player is allowed a single twist of the cube.
I tested this out for like an hour and it seems to give values equivalent to 3d6 in order. So fucking go hog wild, yo.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Random Advancement Magical Girl
DISCLAIMER: The concept of Random Advancement classes was made by one Zak Sabbath, and indeed his work is referenced below. However, I will not be linking to it. While I believe the work he started transcends him and can be used without being tainted, I will not be linking to his blog or books so as not to give him views he does not deserve. I don't support rapists.
<Opening blurb about what a Magical Girl is, and also stuff about pronouns>
Magical Girls. Pretty Guardians of Love and Justice. The term 'Guardian' is important as, while many Magical Girls are capable warriors, they are not soldiers. They are not, by nature, murderhobos. They are protectors of what's important to them. Fundamentally they are innocents who weaponize their femininity, cuteness, hope, and ideals to fight evil. Now, there are exceptions. Not all Magical Girls are girls. Not all of them are cute or feminine. But a Magical Girl is defined by fighting with their emotions, and of being sensitive to them. There are 'evil' or 'dark' Magical Girls, but they are often the products of hurt and trauma, cynics produced by broken and betrayed idealism. The 'evil' Magical Girl is, generally, a former idealist who now fights to protect themselves from harm and hurt others before they can hurt them. A Dark Magical Girl generally would love nothing more than to be like their brighter counterparts; they just believe it to be foolish or impossible.
For the sake of the below, I will use female-centric, heteronormative pronouns, but please adjust accordingly! Many Magical Girl protagonists are male, even moreso are homosexual, and even a few of them are gender-nonconforming or outright transgender.
Magical Girls, being spellcasters, roll once for each spell slot they gain at every level, including first level. Give them the spell slot progression of an Elf, and the Hit Dice and XP progression of a Cleric. Choose a spell list for your magical girl and stick with it.
Every Magical Girl has a Transformation Trinket, which can take the shame of a cosmetic, pen, jewelry, or plastic toy. it's mandatory in order to transform, and can be replaced with an hour-long ritual and level x 100 GP.
When a Magical Girl transforms, they transform into their ideal form, with the cute costume of their dreams, which is as durable and perfect as +1 Leather. Their AC score is replaced by their Charisma score, and a Magical Girl can maintain this form for (Level + 2x CHA modifier) minutes a day, though they can detransform and retransform as much as necessary and spend this time limit in chunks. When you transform, you also are able to add your Charisma bonus to your saving throws and physical abiltiy checks, and normal people cannot recognize that you and your mundane identity are the same person, unless you tell them or they see you transform. This is a magical prosopagnosia.
Finally, when you Transform, your Transformation Trinket becomes your Flashy Focus. A Flashy Focus can be a weapon, shield, or utility tool. This item is of masterwork quality and can be any shape you desire, but once chosen at character creation, this cannot be changed.
1-30. "Please... give me the power! The power to protect everyone!" Fill the spell slot as normal.
31-50. "I know it's dangerous, but I can handle this! Let me help!" +1 to Saves
51-55. "In in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" +1 to Hit
56-65. "Form Change! ALA MODE!" Your Flashy Focus becomes even greater than before! Roll a d6:
1-2: Your Transformation Trinket can take another form! A different weapon/shield/tool/whatever!
3-4: Your Transformation Trinket gains a new magical spell or ability, as if it were some sort of equivalent magical item.
5-6: The Flashy Focus gains a +1 bonus. After reaching +5 overall enhancement, the die rolled for this result is lowered to a d4.
66. "I don't need this toy. My friends are my power!" You can teleport your Transformation Trinket back into your hand, no matter what. On a reroll, you can now recreate a destroyed Trinket for free, and no longer need it to transform. On yet another reroll, treat this as the 56-65 range.
67. "My work here is done!" "But you didn't do anything." You now have a mysterious guardian protector. He's hunky, dreamy, and his identity is hidden. Whoever they are, they are legitimately no-shit your actual destined True Love. Once a session, whenever you are in danger, they will save you, but they won't do much else. If you ever find out their true identity, they will become more reliable as a follower/guest party member but be less effective without their Deus Ex Machina plot magic. If they die, rerolling this result reveals a new protector love interest who is actually the SAME guy with a new disguise. This will shock you every single time, no matter how much it happens.
Rerolling this result while the boyfriend is alive causes them to get a new ability, or level, or whatever.
If your character is Aro-ace or a sufficiently young child, make this character a Fairy Godmother.
68. "Momoko, you have to become Peach Dream, it's your destiny!" "...you're a cat!" You gain a familiar, as if a wizard! it's some sort of cute animal, or perhaps a little fairy or colorful fantasy critter, and it can speak and cast Detect Evil at will. You gain all the normal benefits of a familiar, and on a reroll, roll on the following table:
1-2: Your familiar gains a single spell it can cast once a day. On a reroll, give it: A) A new spell, B) an extra use of its spell, or C) an improvement of its spell. Roll for it.
3-4: Your familiars gains the ability to transform into a badass fuckoff monster like a dragon or a griffon or some shit once a day in order to protect you, with an HD cap equal to twice your level. On a reroll, it gains A) an extra form, B) an improvement to its existing form, or C) an extra use per day of its shapechange.
5-6: You gain ANOTHER Familiar. Every time you roll this result, roll for an improvement of EACH familiar.
69. "If someone tells me it's wrong to hope, I'd tell them they're wrong every single time." Roll on Reynaldo's Paladin table. Unless you're evil, in which case roll on his Anti-Paladin table.
70. "U-uh...was that the right spell? Oh no, I can't fail Potions class!" Learn a spell as normal, but pick a spell from a different spell list! Oooooo!
71. "I mean yea, I'm a witch, but I'm also just a regular teenager!" Roll on the Magic-User table, rerolling if any of the results can't be justified as cute.
72. "Thank you everyone, please, listen to my song! I filled it with all my feelings!" Roll on Jeff's Bard table.
73. "Starlight Breaker! Friendship through Superior Firepower!" You are actually a cyborg or secret-robot, or your magic is atleast partially Sufficiently Advanced Technology. Roll on Ezra's Robot table.
74. "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, and everything would be what it isn't." Roll on the Alice/Fool table.
75. "We have to collect all the Rainbow Heart Crystals!" .... Or maybe you're looking for the Key of the Twilight, or the Sword of Dios, or the Warhammer of Zillyhoo, or the Harmony Gems of Equestria. Either way, it's there. Four sessions of adventure away! You just have to go get it! If after four sessions you still do not acquire the treasure, you may choose to reroll this benefit. However, if you do so and later acquire what you were questing for, you lose what you rerolled for.
76. "I am made of love, and we're stronger than you!" You are now capable of the powerful magical art of Fusion! With an evocative dance and an intimate emotional bond with your dance-partner, the both of you can fuse into something more than the sum of your parts (Upon both partners succeeding on a saving throw)! Use the superior score for each stat and saving throw, combine your HP, and combine your levels for the sake of calculating abilities! However, control of this entity is a shared gestalt, and any time the characters aren't in instantaneous, unanimous agreement, they must both succeed on their saving throws to maintain the Fusion. A Fusion can technically include as many people as the Magical Girl wishes, but this becomes increasingly unstable.
When fusing with your True Love, the both of you roll your saving throws with advantage and do not need to save to initiate the Fusion. Every time you reroll this result, you may select one other person to benefit from this perk when fusing with you, so long as they have a positive, intimate, healthy relationship with you.
77. "Why?! After everything I've done, everything I'm still doing, everything I plan to do... after everything I've TAKEN from you, how can you LOVE me?" "...Because you need it." You have mastered the Power of Friendship, or rather, it is something that flows freely to you, second nature to your soul. From now on, you have the opportunity to redeem any antagonist capable of communicating with you. Indicate to the GM that the antagonist is important to your character and you are attempting to redeem them. The GM will then decide on one or more virtues that the NPC values, and assign a Resolve Pool (RP) number representing how much effort it will take to redeem this NPC. The RP number will vary depending on how significant the NPC and their redemption is to the overall game. During play, if one of the PCs display a virtue that the NPC values in a manner that puts themselves at risk or costs them an opportunity, they will reduce the NPCs RP by Xd6 points (where X is your level). If that action directly assists the NPC in some way, double the amount of RP lost. Any PC directly attacking the NPC replenish the NPCs RP by the amount of damage taken. Any actions taken by a PC or PCs ally that run counter to the virtues in question replenish the NPCs resolve pool by an appropriate amount based on the action decided by the GM. The virtues that an NPC values are not public information, and should be discovered by the PCs during play. The PCs may not share the same virtues or morality as the NPC in question. If a creature's pool of RP is ever reduced to 0, they see the light and become your friend. This has amazing effects, as even a demon or devil could be redeemed; they might remain a creature that uses the forces of Darkness for righteous causes, or they might unfurl revitalized wings of white and gold, and walk again in Heaven.
On a Reroll, your empathic perception becomes sharper. You may automatically divine one of the NPC's virtues and values while attempting to understand them.
78."Make, Up! Turn into... a sexy stewardess!" Your ability to transform has branched out, and now you can magically shift into any mundane disguise you desire. You can change your appearance, apparent age and gender, as well as species. However, you cannot gain new limb functionalities or physiological abilities; this transformation is purely a glamour. You also cannot impersonate specific, named individuals.
On a reroll, this disguise now smooths itself over in your mind; You will instinctively walk, talk, and convincingly act like the role you're adopting, but only for the sake of bullshit. For example, if you disguse yourself as a palace guard, you can convincingly sound like you work there and that it's not weird for you to be around the place, but you don't know the actual layout of the palace or details on its people, and pointed questions can blow your cover.
79. "Woah, there goes the Class Rep. I heard she had an IQ of 300." "Well, have you seen her test scores? I believe it." You now excel superhumanly at all mundane skills that are not of significant narrative consequence. You're a perfect athelete, you get the highest score in all games you play and all tests you take, and you can understand anything you put your mind to. Also you look damn good at all times, doing it.
On a reroll, gain 2 skill points as a Specialist, or whatever the equivalent of your game is for advancing skills by one level.
80. "My parents, you see, are working overseas, so I'm living here by myself." Your parents are working overseas, or they died, or the whole thing's a lie and you're actually from the Magic Kingdom and blending into human society. Either way, you are arbitrarily wealthy to the point that all your daily living costs are trivialized and never need to be accounted for, and you have a monthly budget of 1d4 x 1000 Money as extra funds. You do not get XP for this, it's your inheritance or whatever.
81. "Woaaaah, you mean this is all ours?! We can do whatever want here!" You gain access to an extradimensional space only you can access. This is a place with a fixed entry, like a hidden extra door in your school or the inside of a television or book. This space conforms to it's surrounding area vaguely; the 'extra classroom' example will seem to be the interior of a school building, somewhere, though the dimensions won't match up and it can otherwise be fantastically filled with whatever the owner of this space wishes; it cannot produce anything dangerous, nor can it create living things or precious materials. Honestly, it's basically a Holo-Deck.
On a reroll, your Transformation Trinket can take the form of a 'Key', and open this space from any suitable 'door' that matches the original entry way (such as a remote for any TV or a pen for any book).
On a second reroll, this extradimensional space no longer has to follow the rules of the real world, and outright becomes the owner's mindscape. On a third reroll, it can function as a Hyperbolic time chamber and possess an alternate flow of time at the owner's leisure. However, the restrictions on creating resources and living creatures still exist; don't starve in there, stupid.
82. "Woah... I'm sensing a really bad aura, you guys!" You're now capable of sensing Detect Evil at-will (like your Familiar, if you have one) and can also Detect Magic at-will. Additionally, on a reroll, you gain Telepathy for the sake of communication. if you use psionics in your game, you should roll a test for Wild Talent status every time you roll this if you aren't already.
83. "Ehe... I'm not brave at all! I can only act like it because you're here with me. I depend on you." Your light shines out best through the people in your life. You can spend your spell slots to give a friend of yours the ability to Smite Evil once, with slots of higher level giving extra dice of damage. If you somehow have no spell slots and roll this ability, you can give out this blessing 1/day.
84. "I can feel them. As long as they're in my heart, I can reach them!" Your dreams are meaningful. This world is governed not by processes, but by perceptions. In truth, reality and dream are not so different; the most real thing in either is the people in them. Every night, when you dream, you can speak to someone in your dreams. It doesn't even matter if they're alive, or not even born yet. Everywhere, everywhen, and everyone crossroads in Dream. The GM will determine the natureof this dream, but if your character goes to sleep with an intense emotional need to speak with someone in particular, chances are high they'll get what they want.
On a Reroll, you can control the dreamscape lucidly. On a second reroll, you can astral project in your dreams.
85. "The reincarnation of a priestess? You're wrong, I'm just an ordinary girl. Where Is this, anyway?" Look, there's no way you're from the typical RPG setting, you're some sorta fuckery. Roll on Jeff's Pansdimensional Vagabond table.
86. "Steven's not like anyone else. There's never been anything like him before. We don't know how he'll grow." Your setting probably doesn't have a whole lot of Magical Girls. Give them a roll on Jeff's Everybody Else table.
87. "I love everything, and everything loves me." You can talk to animals. On a reroll, you can talk to plants. on a reroll, you can talk to the wind and the rain, the sun and the moon, the stars and the black inbetween. On a reroll, you can speak to the gum under the table, the spool of thread, the broken glass, the rotting trash. On yet another reroll... these things all LIKE you.
88. "Your mother had a real love for all living things. So much, her tears could heal." And you are the same. You can Lay on Hands as a Paladin of your level, but with no regards for whether a subject is living or not. You are not channeling holy power, but merely your own compassion; so no only does this ability work on constructs and the undead, but it also cannot be stopped by anti-magic.
On a reroll, you can use this affection to cast Remove Curse 3/day. On another reroll, you can cast Greater Restoration 1/day. On yet another reroll, you can cast Resurrection once every 3 days.
89. "Princess Sakura is the beloved of the gods. Trust her luck." You are beloved by heaven and the world. If you are ever in a situation where there is no malicious intention against you, and chance could spare you harm, it will. Fire will never burn you, boulders will never run you over, you'll fall from heights as softly as possible. On a reroll, you gain luck points equal to your Charisma modifier, and can spend these points to reroll any dice you wish in a session, including those rolled by other people. These points refresh every day.
90. "Starlight Wedding Night Sugarplum Ferris Paris SHINING SPARK!" Finally, a goddamn laser. You can now fire a giant beam, more like a breath weapon really, that deals xd6 damage to everyone in the crossfire, where x is equal to your character level. This damage is 'love' damage type, whatever the hell that means, and this beam can only be used once a day. Every reroll adds another use per day.
91. "Won't you have this dance with me?" With a successful Charisma check, you can cause another figure, even a hostile one, to dance with you. So long as you are also focused completely on dancing, so too will your dance partner, to the exclusion of all else, as long as they feel safe to do so (so no attacking them, or looting their shit right infront of them). On a reroll, your dancing becomes a symbolic musical number. The longer you dance, the more you understand the subject, learning new facts about their mind, memories, feelings, and inner self with each round.
92. "I won't forgive anyone who toys with a maiden's heart! Your enemy is here, so come!" - You can taunt an enemy; without fail, you can always prompt an intelligent and evil creature into giving you their full attention and aggression, as long as no one else attacks them.
93. "This is the fate of all Magical Girls. Their hearts are consumed by curses...and they become a Witch." Roll on the Anti-Paladin table, unless you're evil, in which case roll on the Paladin table. Additionally, if you die, roll a saving throw. If you fail, your soul is damned, and you become a monsterous symbolic personification of your regrets and despair, with ironically inverted powers.
94. "In the beginning, I felt so alone, but everyone's come into their own, and we have so many friends! I never thought fighting could be this much fun!" You gain 1d4 first-level Magical Girl followers. They are your kouhais and will call you senpai. If any of them die, you will be very hurt by this, but no one would really blame you unless you honestly have no excuse for your negligence.
95. "You mean... I was the Moon Princess all along? ...Well alright that does make sense." You've recovered some of your past life memories, and with them some of your power and former shape. Select any random class table, including a racial class, and roll. If you roll any sort of physical change to your body, the effects of this only exist while you are transformed.
96. "Oh quit crying, she dies like every season." You gain an extra life; if you die, it will be very dramatic but you'll be fine through some sort of Deus Ex Machina, like your Sugar Daisy blooming after all this time to reveal how your heart was filled with the light of all the smiles you protected, and now that power is giving back in order to revive your own shining, cheerful face, or some shit.
97. "You're better than you think you are! You're smart, and funny, kind, atheletic, and you're brave and reliable!" Pick one stat, and add +1. On a Reroll, add a +1 to this same stat, until you hit your racial maximum. Then choose another stat.
98. "We fight so that girls the world over can look cute, and pig out on crepes!" You gain +1 to Charisma, ignoring racial maximums.
99. "This...is my true power! Eternal Rainbow Starlight Angel Cure Super White Extra Hyper Rose Blossom PEACH!" You gain a SUPER Mode! An even more extravagant form which is even more stupendously amazing! You're prettier, and your Charisma bonus is doubled for the sake of all rolls, and you gain an extra spell slot of every spell level can cast! Additionally, you are capable of all modes of movement and can survive in all environments, including teleporting into the vacuum of space! And during this form, you may also wield a special Final Ability entirely unique to you, of your own custom design, so long as it doe snot exceed the level of being an 8th level spell, usable once a day!
The catch, however, is that your time in this form cannot exceed one minute per two levels, and it cannot be broken into chunks. Once you de-transform, any left-over time is wasted. Additionally, if you use your Final Ability, you will immediately detransform after your (regular) Charisma bonus in rounds. Please don't actually be in the vacuum of space when this goes off.
100. "Are you trying to become a god?!" "I don't care what I become. I just want all those girls to stop crying. I don't want their hopes to turn to nothing. No matter what rule or law stands in my way, I'll rewrite them. I'll change all these stories, past, present, and future... with my own hands. That's my wish... so grant it!" You are entitled to a Wish. A BIG Wish. An EARNEST Wish. A wish that comes from the depths of your soul, untwisted and untainted by anyone. A wish that shines brighter and truer the more selfless and good and whole and wide and beyond you it is. A Wish that, when granted, is the sort of thing that can get you canonized as a saint or a god. A wish that leaves a permanent mark on the world. A wish worth giving your soul for.
However it manifests, it will be satisfying to your intent. Whatever fate befalls you, you will find worth accepting. Fate, destiny, and the gods themselves cannot deter your will. The universe's cause and effect cannot help but bend, lest it break.
You're a Magical Girl. This is what you do.
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Yo so here's my weird schizophrenic Wild Magic table. Roll on Table 1 and then follow the instructions. Effects supplant whatever spell...
Vayra asked some questions. Let's go. 1) What class knows the most martial arts? Are they real martial arts like kung fu, or made up...
Pseudo Fenton from the Discord (he has no blog, sorry!) requested a smattering of Scandinavian/Nordic fairy tale-themed classes, which I ...